ThesisProf: Research Feasibility Assessment

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Instructions: Answer each of the questions below honestly in order to get an idea of how feasible your research is.
This is not a perfect science but it will give you an idea of whether you are likely to encounter issues that could impact your successful completion. There are four types of feasibility, you should aim to be as close to 100% for ALL of them. If you are not close to 100% feasible you should look to adjust your research to make it more feasible.
Select "Yes" or "No" for each question below.

Relevance Feasibility - Alignment to Study Path

Value Feasibility - Contribution to Knowledge

Design Feasibility - Collection and Analysis of Data

Ethical Feasibility - Ethical and Participant Issues


Overall Feasibility


Relevance Feasibility


Value Feasibility


Design Feasibility


Ethical Feasibility