
ThesisProf is all about helping students produce the best thesis possible. 

We do this by providing students with ThesisLab, a unique, interactive, online learning lab and ThesisProf’s online tutor support.

In ThesisLab students learn and experience how to undertake research and write a dissertation. Combining this with support from our highly experienced academics, students learn about research and are guided to produce the best thesis possible.

Learn and Experience Research

ThesisLab Course

Your Interactive, Online Learning Lab

What you will learn in Toolkit 1

Why research isn’t that hard

Because everyone, including you, has done it before.

How to find a great research topic

That will keep you, your supervisor, and your (current or future) boss, happy.

How to use journal articles

For more than just your literature review.

How to find Academic Literature

Expanding your reading list by using what you’ve already got.

How to prevent plagiarism

Making sure you don't end up in trouble by giving credit where credit is due.

How to use a research journal

To keep a record of everything you’ve done and thought so that you can explain what you did, how you did it, and why you did it.

Referencing styles and tools

To make referencing easy.

ThesisProf Tutors

We match students with top academics to support students in undertaking quality research.

How Can We Help?

Find You a Tutor

Match you with an experienced academic to assist you

Show You How

Provide you with the Ultimate Dissertation Toolkit book

Support You Online

Support you in our Online Course through all stages of your journey

ThesisProf was designed by two academics who together have over 50 years combined experience in higher education. They have used this to bring together the best academic tutors and create the easiest, most useful online training resources.


ThesisProf Founders

To find out more about the ThesisLab Course and Tutoring Support Complete this Form